
Click here or "Ranks" on the navigation bar above to add ranks to your cart.

ELITE     $27.99

  • Set unlimited homes: you can have an unlimited amount of /homes.
  • /sell hand: you can sell items in your inventory without having to go the shop.
  • /nick: set your display name in the chat with colors.
  • /fly: you have access to the /fly command, allowing you to fly in all worlds.
  • /back on death: use /back when you die and return to your location uninterrupted.
  • /craft and /ec: open your workbench and ender chest any time, anywhere.
  • /ptime: set the time of day on your screen.
  • /feed: fully restores your hunger, no cooldown.
  • Repair Tools: you can use the /fix command, which allows unlimited repair of all tools, armor, and weapons.
  • /slime: tells you whether you are standing in a slime chunk.
  • /hat: you can wear any item on your head as a hat.
  • 10% mcMMO XP boost: boost all mcMMO experience gained by 10%.

Click here or "Ranks" on the navigation bar above to add ranks to your cart.

SUPER     $17.99

  • Set unlimited homes: you can have an unlimited amount of /homes.
  • /sell hand: you can sell items in your inventory without having to go the shop.
  • /nick: set your display name in the chat with colors.
  • /fly: you have access to the /fly command, allowing you to fly in all worlds.
  • /back on death: use /back when you die and return to your location uninterrupted.
  • /craft and /ec: open your workbench and ender chest any time, anywhere.
  • /ptime: set the time of day on your screen.
  • /feed: fully restores your hunger, no cooldown.

Click here or "Ranks" on the navigation bar above to add ranks to your cart.

VIP     $11.99

  • Set unlimited homes: you can have an unlimited amount of /homes.
  • /sell hand: you can sell items in your inventory without having to go the shop.
  • /nick: set your display name in the chat.
  • /chestsort: sort your chests, inventory and hot-bar.

Click here or "Ranks" on the navigation bar above to add ranks to your cart.